Roman Catholic Ten Commandments Printable

Hey there, folks! Prepare yourselves for a hilarious journey through the wonderful world of the Ten Commandments. And no, you heard me right, I said hilarious. Who knew commandments could be so funny? Buckle up and get ready to laugh your socks off!

Commandment #1 - Thou Shalt Not Have Any Other Gods Before Me

Kids Crafts with Commandment #1Now, imagine little Timmy getting caught in his room with a secret collection of action figures. And I’m not talking any action figures, we’re talking superheroes that he worships every single night! Sorry, Timmy, but looks like you’ve broken commandment number one! No more superpowers, buddy.

Commandment #2 - Thou Shalt Not Make for Yourself Any Graven Image

Catholic Poster for Commandment #2Who else remembers that time Grandma tried to make a sculpture of the family dog out of macaroni noodles? Bless her heart, nobody had the heart to tell her it looked more like a science experiment gone wrong. Oh well, guess commandment number two was broken in the name of art!

Commandment #3 - Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain

Pinterest humor for Commandment #3Ah, Pinterest, the holy grail of all things crafty and creative. But let’s be real, how many times have we found ourselves scrolling mindlessly through Pinterest, swearing to the crafting gods that we will actually attempt one of those projects someday? We’re all guilty, my friends. Repentance is futile!

Commandment #4 - Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy

Random funny image for Commandment #4Picture this: Bob, the forgetful goofball, wakes up on a Sunday morning, stumbles out of bed, and accidentally ends up at the office instead of the church. Poor Bob, he was just trying to keep his work-life balance in check, but commandment number four had other plans for him. Make sure to double-check those calendars, folks!

Commandment #5 - Honor Thy Father and Mother

Ten Commandments for CatholicsOh, the joys of parenthood! Remember that time little Suzy decided to play hairdresser with Mom’s prized possession, a rare orchid? Let’s just say that her attempt at giving the plant a makeover didn’t end well. Sorry, Mom, but Suzy was just trying to follow in her footsteps and be a fabulous hairdresser. Maybe it’s time to invest in some fake plants?

Commandment #6 - Thou Shalt Not Kill

Fourth-grade humor for Commandment #6Oh gosh, does anyone else remember the chaos that ensued when Timmy discovered that first-grade math test sitting on the kitchen counter? It was a battlefield, folks. Tears were shed, tantrums were thrown, and threats of “I’ll kill you!” were screeched. Rest in peace, Timmy’s math grade. You were too young to die.

Commandment #7 - Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

Catholic game for Commandment #7Introducing the “Cheater’s Edition” of the Ten Commandments! Just kidding, folks. But let’s be honest, we’ve all made mistakes in our relationships. Who could forget that time Uncle Pete’s mix-up with his twin brother led to a hilariously awkward situation with Aunt Sally? Let’s just say, Pete’s doghouse is now a permanent fixture in their backyard.

Commandment #8 - Thou Shalt Not Steal

Bible verses for Commandment #8Remember that feeling of dread when you accidentally walked out of the grocery store with a pack of gum you forgot to pay for? The whole world stopped, didn’t it? You turned into a character straight out of Mission Impossible, determined to right this wrong by returning to the store, cash in hand. The temptation got the better of us all, my friends.

Commandment #9 - Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor

Catholic Poster Print for Commandment #9Let’s be honest, folks, we’ve all had those moments where we’ve exaggerated a little to make our stories more interesting. Remember that time Aunt Marge told the epic tale of how she single-handedly defeated a swarm of killer bees with just a fly swatter? Yeah, the bees may have been real, but the rest of that story? Not so much.

Commandment #10 - Thou Shalt Not Covet

Catholic humor for Commandment #10Now, let me ask you this, my dear friends. Have you ever stood in front of a donut shop, eyes wide with longing, desperately wishing you could consume every single sugary morsel in sight? Well, let me tell you, that feeling is called coveting. And it’s a real struggle. Stay strong, my donut-loving friends. We’re in this together.

And there you have it, folks! The Ten Commandments as you’ve never heard them before. We hope we’ve brought a smile to your face and perhaps even a chuckle or two. Remember, laughter is good for the soul, and these commandments certainly give us plenty to laugh about.

Go forth now, my friends, and may the funny spirit be with you!

Until next time,